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Video Bumblefoot - Don't Know Who to Pray to Anymore

- “Don’t Know Who to Pray to Anymore” from the Bumblefoot album "Little Brother Is Watching" [lyrics & info below...]

Clocking in at over seven minutes, “Don’t Know Who to Pray to Anymore” is a true return to form for the epic music video format, with storyline footage showcasing characters in various stages of life, from childhood to adult, hitting an emotional 'rock bottom', faced with a life-changing choice. The stories are left open-ended, so you can ask yourself what choice you would make.

"This song speaks for those that feel lost, betrayed, disillusioned, when we question all we believe in. When we start to lash out, and punish ourselves. This is a song about being in this place, in our own personal purgatory. We know we need to heal, but we're not ready to let go."
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Media:  Video
Shared:  8 years, 5 months ago

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