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Image Waiting For Perfect Waves

- Like bikers and cowboys, surfers are normally stereotyped by society. They are known for their party lifestyle, drug taking and rebel attitudes, unaccustomed to the niceties of formal churches and religion. Surfing is known for being a very self-centred sport and lifestyle. Most surfers admit they just live to ride the next wave. Surfing is what makes life worth living, one adrenaline kick after the other. So how can God and a selfless Christian lifestyle not contradict the whole surfing outlook on life? Like one of my biggest fan sad "Your mind is completely clear when you’re surfing. Just imagine having one of the best experiences of your life. Imagine having that over and over again. That’s what surfing brings you."
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Shared:  13 years, 28 days ago

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13 years, 27 days ago

13 years, 28 days ago