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Video Daniel Angelus - Disappear

- CONFIRMED/PLANNED TOUR DATES: Sweden in May 2019 - America/Canada in October 2019.

BIOGRAPHY: Daniel Angelus is a British musician – a singer, songwriter, and producer – who creates “melodramatic cinematic pop and rock”.

A self-described recluse, Daniel began making music after a difficult and traumatic childhood, using it as a form of therapy. What began as bedroom music has, ten years later, transformed into an incredible career in its own right. Daniel has performed live in the UK, Europe, and North America since 2008 – and music is now his full-time job. His sound is unique, built on “the frailties and wonderment of human life”. There’s real grit beneath the surface that only comes from lived experience, and which translates into the fullness of the music – “it’s the colours of your mind; it’s the pictures lost in time."
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Media:  Video
Shared:  5 years, 7 months ago

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