Hooray! You've made it!
You found probably the funniest site of the internet! Share and discover hilarious, crazy and weird videos, images or what ever you want and find people who share your sense of humour.
We suggest English as your preferred language. You can change the language next to the bendecho logo.
Let it rock! ;-)What bendecho is
- bendecho is THE platform for fun, humor, and entertainment, where you can find the best games, images, links and videos to share and send.
- bendecho provides a space to laugh, discuss, and meet new friends.
- bendecho is a community where members engage in a pleasant, friendly and open exchange. Everyone's opinions and feelings are accepted and respected.
- bendecho is committed to protecting young people and children from content that might be detrimental to their development; we have taken numerous preventive measures for this purpose.
What bendecho is not
- bendecho is NOT a tool for SEOs, spammers, or anybody else who wants to spread a link to the world.
- bendecho is NOT a page for pornographic or illegal content. This section details what you are, and what you are not, allowed to do.
- bendecho is NOT an advertising platform. Of course, this doesn't prevent you from posting something from your own page occasionally, but within reason.
- bendecho is NOT a portal for personal bookmarks; in other words, anything you publish should not already be available on bendecho, and it should be fun, weird, curious, or entertaining and worth viewing for some other reason.
- bendecho is NOT a platform for intolerance, insults, aggression or the like. Please do not respond to activities of this kind, but do report them immediately to the bendecho team.
- bendecho is NOT a platform for multiple identities. A single profile gives you sufficient scope to express your personality.
- bendecho is NOT an offering for commercial purposes and activities.
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Stuff of the Month
Action Feed
- Frau pisst ins Treppenhaus
- I fucked your mum (Katy Perry - ...
- best ever mujra from pakistan
- The Jesus Ring by Daniel Harry |...
- 10 Reasons why you should be an ...
- Moving from Debt to Wealth Creation
- Brunos Fairy land
- Sad Papaw’s Heritage by Kenny Ha...
- The Shadows of Sawtooth Ridge by...
- One amazing day in Bright