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Image Hot and Curvy Latex Celebrities

- Every fetish model who wears latex not only swears it is comfortable but have even suggested they feel better wearing it than any other item of clothing. Hard to imagine when most movie and television scripts that call for characters to wear a latex costume usually complain about how uncomfortable the tight material is. Fetish models testimony on how it feels to wear latex should be taken with a grain of salt. After all there is the combination of them having the fetish to begin with, which means they supposedly get off on the feel of the outfit where others would not. Quite often other celebrities have been asked how are they feel in latex? And answer was really interesting some of celebs tell that the latex is their fetish, others that just feeling to wear this clothes is so good. What do you think about that? Enjoy :)
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Shared:  13 years, 8 months ago

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13 years, 8 months ago