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Video Public Breastfeeding And The Law

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- Is it legal to breastfeed in public?
- Do I have to cover my breasts while breastfeeding in public?
- How is breastfeeding in public different from indecent exposure?
- Does my boss have to allow me to breastfeed at work?
- Where can I breastfeed in public?
- What locations should I avoid while breastfeeding in public?
- Can I breastfeed on an airplane?
- Do I have to go to a room designated for nursing?
- Is breastfeeding in public a feminist cause?

Corky Harvey & Wendy Haldeman - Board Certified Lactation Consultants/Co-Owners of The Pump Station & Nurtury™

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Media:  Video
Shared:  15 years, 3 months ago

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