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Video Extreme Urlaubsorte

- Urlaub und Sport kann man auch an extremen Orten verbringen.
6 Comments    1 Favorit    0 Tweets    0 Likes
Media:  Video
Shared:  16 years, 7 days ago

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14 years, 11 months ago
i love thrill i want the the place grand canyon Grand Canyon National Park is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, a designated World Heritage Site, and one of the Crown Jewels of the National Park System. Declared a national park in 1919, the mile-deep, 277-mile long gorge draws nearly five million visitors annually to the lofty rims and world-class whitewater that await the active traveler. The remote nature of the park, lack of public transportation to and from, and the fickle Grand Canyon weather and harsh terrain can make Grand Canyon a challenging place to visit. But it%u2019s the rare visitor that wouldn%u2019t agree with the park%u2019s patriarch President Theodore Roosevelt, who declared that the Grand Canyon is the one great place that every person should see. travelworth dot com

15 years, 11 months ago
Travelrer is the
L I V E ,,!,

16 years, 11 months ago

16 years, 6 days ago
da bekomm ich ja schon beim zuschauen feuchte Hände, auf jeden Fall bestimmt unvergesslich

16 years, 7 days ago

16 years, 7 days ago
toller Urlaub