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Video Dear Santa !!

- The author of this video said:"This song is wrong in so many ways, but you can't help but laugh"!!

& I must to say: dear Santa, please answer me...
do you accept that racialism of wishes as this song!!?


Dear Santa,
This is Billy from Dallas. I would like a Big Wheel with a air-conditioning package, power-steering, CD player and also a Sony Playstation.

Dear Santa,
This is Raul from Venezuela. I want a stick. To burn for heat!

Dear Santa,
This is Jessica from Aspen. I'd like a Barbie Dream House with the electric sports car, lots of outfits and matching outfits for me, too, please!

Dear Santa,
This is Lupe from Paraguay. I want some rain. So I can stop drinking my own urine!

Dear Santa,
This is Joe from North Chicago. I want a new bike and a G.I. Joe with Kung Fu grip and grenade launcher!

Dear Santa,
This is Azi from Yemen. I want a grenade launcher.

Dear Santa,
This is Jimmy from Grenage. I want an electric train set with the whole village, and the mountains, and the tunnels, and a robot to clean my room!

Dear Santa,
This is Chang from Laos. I want an electric scooter, a surf board, roller blades, and a CD-rom player. Just kidding! I want a stick!

Dear Santa,
This is Wu-ta-ti-ta-tu from Kolkata. I want a fly swatter, one that doesn't hurt when you hit yourself in the face, and some OFF!

Dear Santa,
We are the children of the World! We want Sean Morey to be struck dead, please!! See what you could do! Even if it means I don't get that stick!
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Media:  Video
Shared:  15 years, 8 days ago

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