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- A SURVIVAL GUIDE for Hong Kong! YER!
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Long time no video! My bad! I have been settling in Hong Kong =DDD. This video is made based on real experiences of myself & my friends in Hong Kong although it is highly exaggerated =D. It is all for fun/jokes and hope it offends nobody. Im not trying to tease Chinese people. I am chinese myself ^_^ so I hope you all dont take this video seriously.

For sure, I am having a blast in Hong Kong. Mini buses flying at 50kmph around corners and all. Kick ass chinese grannies and awesome food. Hong Kong is really a place everybody must visit. So please dont kick me out =)

If you see a short chinese girl looking sickly form motion sickness on the train, its me ^_^.

I need help. I have been in HK for a month and still don't know how to use the Hole on the Floor toilets. please tell me the correct way to use them. Holding in pees are not good for health ^_^

Yes, I can understand and speak Hakka aswell. I'm not ashamed. Without it, i won't be able to communicate with my grandma.
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Media:  Video
Shared:  14 years, 11 months ago

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14 years, 11 months ago