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Video Wideboys - The Word

- 'The Word' on the street is that Wideboys are back with a bang and a banger! Having come through the ranks of UK garage, bassline, house and electro with a slew of big releases, their broad array of influences and refusal to be pigeon holed has led them to the freer realms at the forefront of bass music. This open-minded attitude to their productions is in full evidence with 'The Word', the third release on their new flagship label World Wide Phonographics.

No.3 in the Cool Cuts Chart
Pop Justice - Song Of the Day

Having collaborated with Sway & McLean on the much loved 'Shopaholic' and with Boy Better Know, Majestic and MC B-Live on 'In The VIP', the boys are now kicking back to the old skool Roger Troutman influenced electronic sounds of yesteryear on their latest offering and getting deep in to their much treasured talkbox synth whilst keeping the production futuristic and cutting edge.
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Shared:  12 years, 1 month ago

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