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Video A Siren in the Dark (Horror /Comedy Film)

- http://www.Ariztical.com
movie details:

Even the most famished of travelers aren't likely to sample any "delicious" homemade muffins after catching this campy tale of a cozy bed and breakfast that happens to be run by a homo-hating hostess who makes a sport out of killing queers. The eve of the biggest gay party of the year has finally arrived, but when five couples realize that no one has made advance reservations, they make the fateful mistake of booking rooms at the Sahara Salvation Inn, a quaint little inn run by God-fearing Helen (Mari Marks) and her lovely daughter, Luella (Georgia Jean).

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Media:  Video
Shared:  15 years, 7 months ago

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15 years, 7 months ago
nice post . . .