Meds Cafe Cannabis Store - Grand Rapids Recreational Marijua
- Meds Cafe Lowell is Michigan’s only #grandrapidsrecreationalmarijuana provisioning center with the mission of providing our patients with a safe, secure, and confidential resource for their medical needs. Meds Cafe - #recreationalmarijuanadispensary offers the highest quality cannabis products available at the best prices! Our #cannabisstoreservices include one-on-one patient counseling for medicine recommendations and other patient needs. Our products are highly vetted and specified for both recreational and medical clientele. Knowledgeable Meds Cafe budtenders can help you determine a solution for your specific needs. Meds Cafe began with a passion for - and a dedication to - democratizing marijuana for the people of Michigan.
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Shared: | 4 years, 1 month ago |

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