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Video The Zabriskie Law Firm Central Park Annex Ogden, Utah : Crim

- At The Zabriskie Law Firm Central Park Annex Ogden, Utah, we will fight aggressively for your case to get you the best possible verdict. As one of the most recognized #DUIlawyersinOgdenUtah, we have a proven track record for dismissing or reducing the penalties in a #OgdenDUIdefensecases. Our #DUIlawyers Serving Central Park Annex Ogden have obtained positive outcomes in hundreds of cases for a misdemeanor or felony DUI charges and are prepared for the aggressive approach necessary to win your case. Call Zabriskie Law Firm #CriminalDefenseAttorneyinOgden for a free case evaluation. You can learn more about our #criminallawyer in Ogden in the different areas of practice that we handle in #criminaldefenselawyers Serving Central Park Annex Ogden.
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Shared:  3 years, 11 months ago

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