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Video Midwest Institute for Outpatient Rehab in Kansas City, MO

- Outpatient Rehab Kansas City services may be of brief duration and may be provided as a step down from a higher intensity of care or as initial treatment. Some individuals, however, may require ongoing, intermittent contact with a licensed professional (e.g. once or twice per month) to maintain the individual’s optimal level of functioning, sobriety and to prevent the need for more intensive levels of care. Medical and Psychiatric consultation is available based on clinical need. Call at (816) 407-9596 for more information about Midwest Institute for Addiction Kansas City or visit our website.
Address:- 1512 NE 96th St, Liberty, MO 64068
Phone Number:- (816) 407-9596
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Media:  Video
Shared:  4 years, 9 months ago

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