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Video Hexagenia Limbata (Hex) Nymph in Captivity

- These hex nymphs (approximately 50-100) were collected from a private waters lake in Big Bend, Caifornia the last week in May 2012. We located them in mostly soft, shallow fine mud conditions and also within the muddy root system of the plants located in the aquarium that you see in the video. The nymphs can be clearly observed in several states of development.
Though I did not personally observe a nymph emerging from its carapace/shuck, I did notice many adult hex flying within the cabin, 2 of which I photographed and placed within this video.

The Hexagenia Limbata may be one of the most important insects for trout anglers to understand.
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Media:  Video
Shared:  12 years, 6 months ago

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