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- let me know which of these countries concern you and what you remember during the yanks invasion in your home . its long ass history of America ans being all over globe thinking they can rule the world . who knows which country the gonna invade next .

North Vietnam 1945-73

Albania 1949 - 53

China 1949 , 1950's

East Germany 1950's

Costa Rica Mid-1950's

Iran 1953

British Guiana 1953 - 64

Guatemala 1954

Cambodia 1955 - 70

Syria 1956-70

Egypt 1957

Indonesia 1957 - 80

Laos 1958-60

Cuba 1959 to Present

Ecuador 1960 - 63

Congo 1960

Brazil 1962 - 64

Dominican republic 1963

Bolivia 1964 - 71

Chile 1964-73

France 1965

Ghana 1966

Greece 1967

Costa Rica 1970 - 71

Haiti 1970's - 94

Australia 1973 - 75

Portugal 1974 - 76

Angola 1975 , 1980's

Zaire 1975

Seychelle 1979 - 81

Jamaica 1976 - 1980

Afghanistan 1980's

LiBya 1980's

Chad 1981-82

Nicaragua 1981 - 90

South Yemen 1982 - 84

Suriname 1982 - 84

Grenada 1983

Fiji 1987

Panama 1989

Bulgaria 1990

Albania 1991

Iraq 1991

Somalia 1993

Yugoslavia 1999

Ecuador 2000

Afghanistan 2001

Venezuela 2002

Iraq 2003

Haiti 2004
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Media:  Video
Shared:  14 years, 10 months ago

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13 years, 29 days ago
John a miss you, Happy New Years