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Video European Bike Week 2012 - größtes Harley-Treffen Europas

- Fun returns to Faak!
If you want to surround yourself and your Harley® with 100,000 fellow Harley-Davidson® fans, there's only one place to head this season -- European Bike Week® rocks into its 15th year this September as Europe's biggest free and open motorcycle event.
Wherever you ride from, take a ride through the beautiful region of Kärnten in Austria to the biking season's flagship party at Faaker See. Nestled in the Austrian Alps, this event is electric, with the Harley Village taking over the huge site along the south side of the lake.
Grab your Harley-Davidson merchandise along the dealer mile with dealers from across Europe; grab a bargain in the trader area; eat and drink in one of the variety of food stalls with cuisine from across the world; or enjoy a drink and live music and DJs in one of the bars. There will be a fabulous line-up of bands and entertainment on the main stage in the Main Plaza. And, of course, show off your Harley with a ride around the lake itself...
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Shared:  12 years, 10 days ago

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