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Video SPELLBOUND DAZZLE - Foolin' Of Each Other

- Music from Italy for most people has to do with the traditional Italian tear jerker, but there is another side of the Italian music scene that has developed from a fresh breeze into a huge storm coming to cause a buzz of excitement in the European Metal and Rock scene: SPELLBOUND DAZZLE.

The album "Unreal FairyTales" does not fit into any scheme, SPELLBOUND DAZZLE combine modern Metal groove with classic Hard Rock, add progressive elements and garnish the result with Folk and Polka rhythms. The thundering groove and complex structure of "Foolin' Of Each Other" is part of the album's musical mixture which promises a thrilling experience at first listening!! With "Unreal FairyTales" SPELLBOUND DAZZLE have recorded a modern and timeless piece of New Rock and Metal history!

spellbounddazzle. com

SPELLBOUND DAZZLE - Foolin' Of Each Other
Directed by Salvatore Perrone
© 2011 Limited Access Records, la-records. com
LC 13799
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Media:  Video
Shared:  14 years, 1 month ago

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