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Video Jett Edwards & INAMORI Art Project "Love and Peace" - offici

- Love & Peace, written, produced, directed by; Jett Edwards, Co-Produced by; Steve Robbins. A message from Japan to the world in a time when we need it the most.
INAMORI Art Project Group (IAPG) was founded by Noriko Inamori who wished to do good in the world while fighting with her progressive intractable disease. IAPG is an amateur art group with eighty members as of June, 2018. Our objective is to present the vision for our future, "Unification-let's become one world," through theater, music, dance, taiko drum and art performances by our five groups. It is our belief that people all over the world can come together and become one. Though our founder passed away in August, 2013, IAPG will continue her vision and remain active in producing projects of "Prayers for Love and Peace."
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Media:  Video
Shared:  6 years, 7 months ago

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