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Video Tom Dice - Me And My Guitar

- People always say
Tom, this has gone too far
But I'm not afraid to chase my dreams,
Just me and my guitar

And no one may ever know
The feelings inside my mind
'Cause all of the lines I ever write
Are running out of time

So maybe I should get a nine to five
But I don't want to let it go, there's so much more to life

Tell me that I've got it wrong
Tell me everything will be okay
Before I fall
Tell me they'll play my songs
Tell me they'll sing the words I say
When darkness falls
All of the stars will see
Just me and my guitar

I'm sure that I'll find my way
'Cause I'm not afraid to try
Even a world of love and hope can't guarantee that price

So maybe I should get a nine to five
But I don't want to let it go, there's so much more to life

Tell me that I've got it wrong
Tell me everything will be okay
Before I fall
Tell me they'll play my songs
Tell me they'll sing the words I say
When darkness falls
All of the stars will see
Just me and my guitar

Me and my guitar...
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Media:  Video
Shared:  14 years, 8 months ago

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