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Video Depression Clinics in Salt Lake City | 385-474-6946

- Ketamine SLC has a remarkably safe track record in surgical settings, in the emergency room where it is used both for general anesthesia as well as for minor procedures, in pain clinics for CRPS and phantom limb syndromes and now, most recently, it has been found to be unique in its ability to profoundly address major depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Its role in the emergency room, where it is commonly used to induce a significant level of anesthesia for such minor procedures as laceration repair, is special testimony to the drug's safety; if one child in the ER went bad from ketamine, the drug would never be used again. For more information about depression clinics in Salt Lake City call @ 385-474-6946.
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Shared:  6 years, 4 months ago

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