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Video Surge of Power: The Stuff of Heroes (Teaser)

- Watch the Full movie at:

Special effects and 20 celebrity cameos: Marv Wolfman (creator of Teen Titans), Len Wein (creator of X-Men's Wolvereine), Bobby Trebdy (Anna Nicole Show) and many more!
Mild-mannered comic book enthusiast Gavin Lucas gets entangled in drama between a mad scientist and the scientist's former partner and in a freak accident in the lab, Gavin is bestowed superpowers! Donning a "battle suit" and cape, Gavin embarks on zany crime fighting exploits as Surge of Power where he encounters a charming Young Man and confronts a powerful new villain! Hate crimes and bank robberies and fear, Oh my!

With input from Nichelle Nichols (Star Trek's Uhura), Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible Hulk) and Noel Neill (Adventures of Superman; Superman Returns), can out-and-proud Surge of Power thwart the evil plans of the mysterious Metal Master?
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Media:  Video
Shared:  15 years, 6 months ago

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