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Video Buffy\Spike\Faith - Where I Stood

- Ok, it's hard for me to explain this story in english, but I will try.
There's nothing like love between Spike and Buffy, just passion and sexual attraction. They almost hate each other, but at the same time they can't resist each other and each their converstation ends exactly the same. Naked! xD
Then Buffy's sick of this relationships, she tried to stay away from Spike. When he comes to see her, she pushes him away. So, now he's with Faith, cuz ( surprisingly!) her attitude to Spike is more tender and calm.
When Buffy see Faith and Spike together, she can't help but think about times when Spike only belonged to her, and she slowly relalizes that there were something more than just passion. So is Spike. When he's with Faithy he's still looking on the side, trying to find Buffy.
Faith can't stand it, she try to catch Spike's attantion, but it only leads to scandal.
Spike has mixed feelings. He loves Faith, but he also loves Buffy. Yeah, he loves her actually in this story.
But, there's one thing he should do. He should kill Buffy (it's even harder to explain, so you can just imagine that somebody told him to do it! xD this is just a small part of the whole RPG story).
Howver Spike didn't manage to do this. He just couldn't do it, he loves Buffy, but she rejected him again, because she can't believe that somebody ordered Spike to kill her.
So, he is back with Faith, and it's like the story repeats again, when B sees them together
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Shared:  15 years, 2 months ago

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15 years, 2 months ago