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Video 4BACKWOODS - Supernova Day (official music video clip)

- Watch 4BACKWOODS new single „Supernova Day"! We promise you that the video clip is full of surprises and that your laughing muscles will be in any case activated!
The single is available in all download stores now and includes as exclusive bonus the song „Luck Is A Slut". Check it out at iTunes, Amazon MP3, Musicload and so on.
In 2010 4BACKWOODS are on the fast lane! For more information google the bands website.

4BACKWOODS - Supernova Day
feat. Carina Jost
Directed by Ully Fleischer
Camera by Stefan Engelbert
© 2010 Limited Access Records
LC 13799
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Media:  Video
Shared:  14 years, 1 month ago

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