Video Lance and a Cicada

- Tennessee is currently experiencing a mass invasion of cicadas (it happens once every 13 years here)...they are EVERYWHERE outside...Lance (age 3) has sort of taken the "If you can't beat them, join them" approach, trying to have fun with them!

Lance is an entertaining and very curious child (ALL-boy!) - climbs everything, fears nothing, tries anything, and loves all creatures great and small! No cicadas were harmed in the making of this video (or any other time!). He had been playing with these bugs for days - they're harmless! It made sense to get some footage of it before they disappeared, as he'll be 16 the next time the cicadas make their way to Nashville!
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Medium:  Video
Hinzugefügt:  vor 13 Jahren, 6 Monaten

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vor 13 Jahren, 6 Monaten
supi süss =)

vor 13 Jahren, 6 Monaten
Kinder halt ;-)

vor 13 Jahren, 6 Monaten
lekker brum brum