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Video Humless Home Battery Backup System Lindon UT : Energy Equipm

- Here at Humless Reliable Power Systems Lindon UT, we wanted to create a smart ESS (Energy Storage System) that can handle it all. The Universal 10/4 is the smallest #homebatterybackuppower source in our Universal line. This unit is perfect for small homes and essential loads. This #homebatterysystem features 10 kWh’s of lithium (LiFePO4) battery storage, 3.4 kW (4 kVa) premium inverter, remote monitoring, and is stackable up to 2 units. This system is an excellent power backup for home essential loads like lights, freezer, refrigerator, and outlets. A #emergencyhomebatterybackupsystem like the Universal 10/4 is essential for solar-powered homes and good home battery systems and gives you peace of mind knowing that you and your family are in good hands.
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Shared:  4 years, 2 months ago

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