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Video International Enviroguard : Sterile Disposable Coverall

- Our sterile disposable coverall, frocks and boot covers for controlled environments. GammaGuard® CE offers an unbeatable sterile coveralls Assurance Level, plus low linting and strong tear resistance. All GammaGuard® CE products are gamma irradiated to a SAL of 10-6. Each case comes with individually packaged items that are folded with the sterile-don packaging process. This allows the wearer to Don the coverall without risk of contamination. Sterile coveralls frocks come with strong front buttons for easy donning and doffing. Sterile disposable clothing comes individually packed and clean-processed, which means all loose particles have been physically removed from the sterile cleanroom clothing before it was packaged. For more information contact us with any questions about sterile disposable coverall, International Enviroguard is here to help.
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Shared:  5 years, 11 months ago

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