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Video Red is the Color of Trailer

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Mary Shaw’s (Irina Björklund) signature blood paintings have made her a celebrity in the art world. Meanwhile, her husband, David Stellar (Peter Franzén) has hired the seductive blue-eyed model Julie Belle (Eliza Pryor Nagel) for his own artistic endeavors. Curious and fascinated by Julie’s free spirit, outrageous honesty, and ambiguous sexuality, Mary develops an intimate friendship with her which leads Mary to reassess her carefully constructed existence and the intimacy seriously lacking in her marriage. David fights to keep his relationship with Mary intact as Julie emotionally intertwines with the couple, wreaking havoc on all of their lives. In danger of losing everything that meant anything to her, Mary tries to break through her past and discover what it means to be truly free.
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Media:  Video
Shared:  15 years, 7 months ago

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