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Video Final Fantasy IX - Listen to your Heart

- Final Fantasy IX - Listen to your Heart

watch in high quality its much better

this is my fav final fantasy and i think that Garnet and Zidane are the cutest couple in the whole serise of ff games

zidane and garnet:

Zidane and Garnet first met when garnet was trying to escape the castle but bumped into zidane, the very night that him and his crew are going to kidnap her, who then swears that he will protect her. Which he does.
When zidane first met garnet, he fell head over heals for her beauty but later in the game he falls deeply in love with her.
Garnet on the other hand thinks that she can only love someone of royal blood and will not let him temp her into liking him, but after a while true love concurs all barriers and for an epic end, when garnet is willing to give everything up for zidane, he comes back to her.


I know theres something in the wake of your smile
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yeah
youve built a love but that love falls apart
your little piece of heaven turns too dark

listen to your heart
when hes calling for you
listen to your heart
theres nothing else you can do
I dont know where youre going
and I dont know why
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye

sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile
the precious moments are all lost in the tide, yeah
theyre swept away and nothing is what is seems
the feeling of belonging to your dreams

listen to your heart
when hes calling for you
listen to your heart
theres nothing else you can do
I dont know where youre going
and I dont know why
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye

and there are voices
that want to be heard
so much to mention
but you cant find the words
the scent of magic
the beauty thats been
when love was wilder than the wind

listen to your heart
when hes calling for you
listen to your heart
theres nothing else you can do
I dont know where youre going
and I dont know why
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye

Listen to your heart....mm..mmm

I dont know where youre going
and I dont know why
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye

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Shared:  15 years, 4 months ago

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15 years, 4 months ago