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- Girl sobs in a car about setting off the fire alarm while her friend tries to control her own laughter.

One of the funniest things I've seen in a long time!

"So many people do bad things, and I didn't mean to"

"Maybe I'll just sweep... I'LL SWEEP THE FLOOR!!"

"I just wanted to make it snow!"

**Back Story**
Apparently, she wanted to make the hallway appear that it had snow in it, so she decided to use a fire extinguisher (this is something that her dad has successfully done in the past). Instead of there just being a "little poof", the entire hallway filled with chemicals that caused the fire alarm to go off in the middle of the night during finals week.

Now this is her in the car upset that everyone at Alpha Chi (the sorority she wants to be in and presumably those who live where the fire alarm went off) hates her. She explains how she isn't a bad person and it was just an accident.
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Media:  Video
Shared:  16 years, 5 days ago

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16 years, 18 hours ago
oj oj oj... orka..

16 years, 1 day ago
die ist ja einfach nur nervend... schließe mich meinem vorredner an.... aber das scheint der heutigen jugend absolut schwer zu fallen ;-) nur gut, dass nicht alle gleich sind...
frohe weihnachten :-)

16 years, 3 days ago
würde sagen erst Hirn einschalten bevor man was tut okay....

16 years, 4 days ago
Heulsuse !!!!!!