Video Beautiful Lithuania - Vilnius - capital

- The population of Lithuania stands at 3.3662 million, 84.6% of whom are ethnic Lithuanians who speak the Lithuanian language, Lithuania has an inpressive economic development, Lithuania has two times more people with higher education than the EU-15 average and the proportion is the highest in the Baltic. Also, 90% of Lithuanians speak at least one foreign language and half of the population speaks two foreign languages. I REALLY HAD TO KNOW A LIITLE BIT ABOUT THIS BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY IN REGARD OF MY FRIEND LA MAMA
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Medium:  Video
Hinzugefügt:  vor 16 Jahren, 1 Monat

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vor 15 Jahren, 7 Monaten
It's really a B E A U T I F U L clip,
with good explanation by Lily ..!,